
Wowio: (Belated) Post on Something Technology-Related

Thanks to an article in PW, I now have something to write about for my "technology-related" post -- WOWIO. I got the name of this site from a homeschool yahoo group. It was recommended as a site that offers free ebooks (in Acrobat), with an example of a title that I was very curious about. Books on the site are NOT old, public domain titles, like Project Gutenberg or Baldwin Project, but very current. When you register, you are told that you are only allowed to download 5 titles a day (due to "tragedy of the commons" which I had to look up -- interesting...), and that you are not allowed to share files with anybody, because of the little markers imbedded in the files, and failure to comply with the rules may lead to banning from site.

Sign-up was not easy -- for some reason my computer refused to accept the link from the email sent to me to confirm the account. It was only after I forwarded the email to work and responded from there that I was able to get to the good stuff. From home I couldn't even contact help. Once the account was established, it was fairly smooth. Search is sraightforward and easy, as is checkout. The books are large files, but look like good quality (I have not tried to print yet). The first day, I downloaded 3 books. They came to me all presonalized (with my name on the first page of the file). Once you download a book, it's not deleted from your "cart" -- you have to manually delete it, which I forgot to do (the "remove" button is not very prominent), so today by mistake I got three old books and two new ones. Once the books are in your "cart" you have three days to download them.

I was interested to read about the business end of it in hopes of being able to better understand and to predict how long it will last. I hope it's a long time!!!!!!!

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