
Geez, meez!

Meez -- check!

I liked M&M creator better -- it's more fun, less glamorizing. More choices in Meez, of course. Both are easy to use and are pretty intuitive.

I could not for the life of me figure out how to export images from LetterJames, and I know it has been done. Given that it is a European company selling stuff, I'm not going to worry too much about it. The idea is neat, though. Well, maybe I'll look more into it later...

I finally saw a blog that I won't mind coming back to -- The Generator Blog, where the host keeps track of all the image generator sites on the web. Well, all the sites he/she comes across. I found a bunch of The Simpsons-related generators, along with some linguistic ones.

As I was trying cunieforms and hyeroglyphs, I remembered the site that generates mirror-image writing, a la Leonardo. I actually emailed the host a suggestion of a website to include. We'll see what he/she says.

I added his RSS link to my bloglines.

Oof, all that took a lot of time away from HP 7. Better go...

1 comment:

HCPL Techincal Trainer said...

Thanks for pointing me to the image generator blog. Very Cool. I created a Simpson's person also.